Monday, December 31, 2007

christmas in oz

Today I flew to Australia. When I got there I saw my baby sister. Her name is Mia Kate Griffiths. When I got to my Dad's place, I got to open some pressies! I am really tired since the trip took so long. My sister is really cute. Tonight I am going to stay up until midnight because it is New Year's Eve.

My Aunty Catherine is staying the night (yeah!). She is going to sleep in my room. I am looking forward to tomorrow.

P.S. More information to follow...

1 comment:

AllanahK said...

You will be tired for a bit until you get used to it. Seeing the family will be the best present but spending $20 of Australian money will be fun too.

We are two hours ahead of you now. You get to have two extra hours until you come back and then you will lose a couple of hours.

Enjoy your stay in Aussie. You might come back with an Australian accent!!!

Miss K